Dr. Reto places an incredible amount of importance on achieving the best long-term results for his patients by reestablishing and preserving spinal balance.
“Too often surgical success is measured in the short-term by simply relieving pain symptoms,” said Dr. Reto, “but that isn’t always the best approach for the patient,” said Dr. Reto.
“We absolutely want to get the patient out of pain as quickly as possible, but my surgical goals are always focused on achieving long-term success for my patients, not short-term ‘quick fixes,’” Dr. Reto explained. “We do this by adhering to the most advanced principles on global spine alignment.”
Dr. Reto calls his approach to spine care Total Balance Spine and uses it to create better outcomes for his patients. Total Balance Spine is Dr. Reto’s commitment to his patients to get them back on their feet and living their lives for the long-term.
In addition to focusing on long-term results, Dr. Reto’s Total Balance Spine protocol encompasses the following components:
A normal, healthy spine has two front-to-back curves, one in the lumbar (lower spine) area and one in the thoracic (middle spine) area, that work together to keep your body aligned over the hips and pelvis. If one of those curves becomes either too flat or too pronounced, the result is that your spine will be thrown out of balance.
When this happens, problems can result such as pain, fatigue, weakness, numbness, difficulty walking, and many more.
One of the main components of Dr. Reto’s Total Balance Spine approach is getting patients’ spines into alignment so they can live stronger and more fulfilling lives.
With special expertise in treating spine imbalance, Dr. Reto starts by taking encompassing X-rays that show the entire spine. This allows him to take precise measurements that ensure his treatment plan account for any imbalance or potential imbalance.
When surgery is called for to correct the deformity and bring the spine back into balance, Dr. Reto uses less invasive techniques whenever possible to achieve positive long-term results.
One of the first things patients notice about Dr. Javier Reto is that he has a deep-seated compassion for their pain. This is because Dr. Reto knows first-hand what his patients are going through.
After graduating from college, Dr. Reto visited family in Peru. While assisting with some roof repair, the roof he was standing on collapsed and he fell through, landing two and a half stories below. The fall resulted in a fractured spine and wrist and he was flown back to the states where he underwent surgery. It was during his recovery and rehabilitation that Dr. Reto realized his calling to go to medical school and then on to an orthopedic spine surgery specialty.
Because Dr. Reto has experienced and lived the pain and uncertainty that many of his patients deal with, he has a special empathy for them. He also knows that fear of spine surgery can keep people living in pain so Dr. Reto works to make sure his patients get the information they need to live a stronger, healthier life.
No two patients are alike and no two patients’ spine issues are alike. That’s why Dr. Reto makes it a point to understand each patient’s individual circumstances.
Dr. Reto’s ability to communicate in a down-to-earth manner means that patients understand their treatment plans and expected outcomes. While many surgeons believe their job is through once the surgery is completed, Dr. Reto believes aftercare is critical for complete recovery and will be with his patients every step of the way.
Above all, Dr. Reto is dedicated to restoring a balanced spine to each patient and helping them become pain free so they can get back to living their lives as quickly as possible.